Mon, 26 Jan 2009

In Other News, Steve Wozniak Switches To Firefox

a.k.a. "Linux fanboys are funny"

In an interview (that never happened) Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, admitted to switching to Firefox (not really, I'm making this up) from the Apple-produced Safari Web browser.

I'm sure this opening paragraph is titillating Mac fans everywhere.

What? It's not? Are you sure? You are? Hmmm. How could that be?

On Slashdot, "Linus Switches From KDE to Gnome" made the front page, and elicited 770 comments (take my word for it, the article is so un-newsworthy, I'm not going to link to it). On Digg, the same article got 1119 "Diggs"...

So it appears that thousands of Linux users out there care passionately enough about what Linus uses?!

Now, I suppose it's all relative... If Steve Wozniak announced he was going to leave the Mac for Windows, I guess the Mac fanboys (myself included) would be in a tizzy too... But until that day comes, I get to sit back in the cool glow of my Macbook, point at the Linux fanboys who find this kind of news somehow relevant enough to post, to discuss and to debate about, and snicker at them.

Khan Klatt

Khan Klatt's photo